What We Do

"The aim of our service is to provide care and support for people with dementia in a safe, secure and social environment"

Our Aims

The aim of our service is to provide care and support for people with dementia in a safe, secure and social environment away from their home setting using trained staff and volunteers. The service will provide stimulation by social interaction and meaningful activities in accordance with their skills and preferences as determined in the support plan. This may be in a dedicated centre or suitably identified rented facility and includes activities in the community and outings.

The purpose of day care and support is to:
  1. Provide information and support to people with dementia and their carers
  2. Provide a safe and appropriate environment for people with dementia
  3. Provide an opportunity for peer support and networking with people who have similar diagnoses and experiences to share
  4. Encourage independence
  5. Assist with personal care and administration of medication as deemed necessary following an assessment and recorded in personalised support plan
  6. Focus on what individuals can do (not what they used to be able to do) and adapting hobbies/interests in such a way that they may still be pursued or an acceptable alternative found
  7. Participate in the development of services for people with dementia through forums and surveys
  8. Contribute to their own assessment and support plans adapting to meet ongoing needs through regular reviews
  9. Provide an opportunity to socialise in a relaxed atmosphere where everyone is treated as an equal
  10. Provide a holistic and consistent approach to care and support for the individual by liaising closely with health and social care professionals as well as formal and informal carers   
The desired outcomes for the person with dementia accessing our service are:
  1. A feeling of having had an enjoyable day participating in a choice of activities
  2. Feeling confident that they are maintaining existing skills for longer and experiencing new skills, hobbies and interests necessitated through a change in abilities
  3. Feeling less isolated, confused and agitated and more valued, useful, positive, at ease and independent
  4. Feeling physically exerted which will assist with disturbed sleep patterns
  5. Feel that attending day care has contributed to be able to live in their own home within the community for longer and to avert a crisis situation 
  6. Feel that together we have designed and implemented a fulfilling care and support plan

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